About the Label

SKArating uses over 100 good practice measures (GPMs) covering the issues of energy, waste, water, materials, wellbeing, pollution, transport and project delivery. A large proportion of the measures available encourage the specification of products and materials with good environmental performance.

  • Simple method for identifying products that meet particular SKArating criteria.

  • Formalises compliancy checks required within SKArating assessments.

  • Provides alternate method to demonstrate meeting rationale behind Good Practice Measures not listed in criteria.

  • Provides recognition of third party compliant work, such as EPD’s and benchmarked labels.

  • Provides recognition of recycled/recyclable content, and ETL criteria compliant products.

Benefits of the SKArating Compliant Label

  • Assessors

    The Compliance Label ensures efficiency in evidence reviews, providing assessors with the confidence and reassurance they need to verify product compliance swiftly and accurately.

  • Specifiers

    With the Compliance Label, specifiers can streamline product selection processes, significantly reducing design research time and enables informed decisions to happen quickly and confidently.

  • Manufacturers & Suppliers

    The Compliance Label offers numerous benefits, including showcasing compliance with standards, facilitating product differentiation, providing marketing opportunities to enhance sales, and identifying areas for improvement in product development and manufacturing processes.

Fees & Payment

To submit an application and obtain a Label, two fees are included. The review fee is per product application and calculated based on the type of evidence provided, categorised as type A, B, or C. The fee covers the review, and processing of the application. A second fee is payable for the issue of each product's Compliant Label when the audit outcome is found to be 'compliant'. This flat fee covers the issue of the certificate, contract agreement and Label asset issue.

    All fees are subject to VAT at the standard rate.

Steps in the SKA Compliant Label journey...

The application process for a product or material to be reviewed for a SKArating Compliance Product Label is as follows. Scalable fees can be provided to suppliers who wish to submit a significant number, more than 20 unique products.

  • 1. Review the targeted good practice measure(s) criteria and evidence required sections. Be as confident as you can that your product(s) meets the requirements.

  • 2. Ensure all the required evidence is collected in electronic versions and can be submitted with the application.

  • 3. Complete the application form and submit with all required evidence.

  • 4. Make payment based on the type of evidence you are submitting (A, B or C) for each application.

  • 5. Following receipt of payment(s), evidence submitted is cheked for completeness, and once all is received, confirmation of the audit commencement is provided.

  • 6. The review is undertaken within 3 weeks of the commencement date and the result(s) are communicated to you. If non-compliant is the outcome we share feedback on reasons, and if it is compliant then we start the certification and contract process.

  • 7. Once the label licence is signed by a responsible party of the applicant, we issue the label asset and certificate(s) and add the Compliant products to the published Product Directory. This directory is updated monthly as products are certified.

Have a query?

For queries about obtaining SKArating Compliant Label, please contact us at [email protected], call us on 0300 30 20 752.